
A puppy raiser being interviewed by a TV camera man
Our people, pups and dogs sure do know how to attract some good attention! As witnessed by this photo, taken by puppy raiser Sue Day, during a recent puppy club outing. She writes: "This was taken during a club outing to San Francisco on the Ferry Boat. We ended up walking to Pier 39. Just as we got there, an interviewer and camera man from Fox Sports approached Don Hirzel, the leader of our Alameda County 4H puppy raising group. The camera crew was out doing public interest stories and asked Don questions about Guide Dogs, what he was doing, and other questions about Guide Dog puppies and the organization. It turns out that the crew was there to cover a soccer game with Mexico; the segment was actually aired in Mexico."

That's just like our puppy raisers - ready with a feel-good, man-on-the-street interview any ol' time of day! 

Here's a list of links to some more recent media coverage we thought you'd enjoy. Great stories and videos of the impact our program is having in our communities. Enjoy!The cover of Dog Fancy Magazine
And here's a couple of stories about some of GDB's career change dogs and retired breeder dogs that are involved in a cancer detection study at the Pine Street Foundation in San Anselmo, California. 
The cover of O Magazine
For more information about the cancer detection study and the Pine Street Foundation, please visit their website at


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