Tips for Holiday Travels with Your Pet

As the holidays approach many pet owners prepare to take their dogs on the road to visit friends and family. Here are some tips to keep your dog safe and comfortable while traveling:
  • A black Lab wearing a red Santa hatMake sure your dog is up to date on vaccines, flea control and heartworm preventative. Parasites may be more of a problem in the areas where you are traveling and prevention will not only keep your pet healthy but will ensure you don’t bring any unwelcome guests home with you!
  • Check your dog’s tags to see that they are still legible; consider putting one of those little cases on his collar that not only holds tags, but includes notes with travel contact information as well. GDB sells a tag silencer pouch in our gift shop that could carry additional information nicely; to order, call us at (800) 295-4050.
  • Having your pet permanently identified with a microchip or tattoo will give you peace of mind whenever you travel together. Keep your contact information updated with whichever registry you choose.
  • Accustom your dog to a crate at home before leaving. He will appreciate his cozy ‘home away from home’; your hosts may be more comfortable welcoming a canine visitor into their home knowing that he can be secured in his own bed when things get hectic.
  • Pack enough dog food for several days over your planned trip in case of unexpected delays. For dogs with sensitive stomachs, bringing along the water he is used to from home, or even bottled water, may prevent a GI upset.
  • Remember to take along any medications and supplements your dog may need and a coat or jacket if traveling to colder areas. Grooming tools may come in handy too.
  • Never leave your dog unattended in a hotel room. Even though he may be mannerly at home, the stress of strange surroundings may trigger some anxiety and result in damage to the room or barking. Fewer and fewer hotels accept dogs because of irresponsible owners.
  • Always pick up after your dog so that dogs continue to be welcomed at rest stops, hotels and campgrounds.
Dogs love to be involved in family activities and with a little bit of planning your dog can enjoy a trip with you and share in the festivities. Safe travels to you all this holiday season.


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