GDB Pups Melt Hearts for Valentine's Day

Sherri Paru with Rhubarb
Sherri Paru with Rhubarb

Sightmasters, one of our puppy raising clubs in the Portland, Oregon area met over the Valentine’s Day weekend to celebrate puppy love at GDB's Downtown Volunteer and Visitors Center in Portland. The puppy raisers and their pups arrived via the MaxLine where they met up with more of the GDB family, including several people with career change dogs and retired guides. The entire group shared the day participating in a social outing throughout the downtown area. All day long, the dogs were greeted with “oohs and aaahs” wherever they went, showing that Valentine’s Day or not, folks will open their hearts when there's a wagging tail involved. There’s just something about our dogs – be they pups or older retired guides – that makes folks feel good. We're thrilled that we were able to spread some cheer and look forward to more downtown Portland outings in the future!

Sightmasters Puppy Club and friends
Sightmasters Puppy Club and friends

Chris Conrad with Rhubarb
Chris Conrad with Rhubarb


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