Have Dog, Will Travel

GDB alumna Susan Krieger is a sociologist, writer, and teacher in the Program in Feminist Studies at Stanford University. An author of several books, Susan's latest book, out this month, is called Traveling Blind: Adventures in Vision with a Guide Dog by My Side. Susan has this to say about the book:

Traveling Blind book cover
"This is a book about a special time in my life - when I first received my Guide Dog Teela and traveled to the Southwest desert and on city streets discovering the world anew. My partner, Estelle Freedman, whom I call “Hannah” in the book, shared my adventures and this exciting time, exploring not only the intriguing landscapes we visited, but also the issues of vision and interdependence that my failing sight raised for us both. Like me, Estelle was delighted and grateful to have Teela with us as we added new possibilities to our life together, becoming a threesome, learning how to cross streets and to navigate darkness and light, developing new responses to our needs."

Susan has two Northern California bookstore talks scheduled for May (Stanford Bookstore, Palo Alto, Tuesday May 11, 5:30 p.m.; and Book Passage Bookstore, Corte Madera, Sunday May 16, 4 p.m.), and will be a guest on Forum Radio, KQED-FM, on Friday May 14.

Visit the website for more information, including how to obtain accessible versions of the book. Traveling Blind: Adventures in Vision with a Guide Dog by My Side.


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