My Puppy Club Outing in Pictures: GDB Puppy Club takes ferry to San Francisco

By Nancy Olivas

My local puppy club from Contra Costa County took the Oakland ferry to San Francisco this weekend, and we learned some valuable lessons. First, come dressed for San Francisco weather. That means to wear layers. That way, if it's too warm (which is hardly ever) you can shed a layer or two until you're comfortable. However, if you don't dress warmly a two-hour outing can seem like forever, as several of us can attest. Some of the chill can be sublimated with a hot beverage (see photo below of raisers walking dogs with loose leashes and large cups of coffee), but it's better to wear appropriate clothing from the start.

Raisers and their pups at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco
Second, if you're going to wear inappropriate clothing, it's best if you like the people you're with. That way, you can huddle together for warmth.

Pups and people huddled together on the ferry for warmth
We had fun and the dogs saw a lot of different things: seals, men in costume, a one-man band, pigeons, tour groups and buses, whirlygigs, fresh crab, and boats. And then all went back to the East Bay to get warm.


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