
We love getting your photos! Here's a sampling of the great images that we received during the month of April, either via email or through GDB's Group Photo Pool on Flickr. Keep em coming!

Balck Lab puppy Tulia with raiser Bethany
Black Lab Tulia is growing big at 6 months of age. She is quite heavy now, but her raiser Bethany can still hold her in her arms! Submitted by TuliaSpritz via GDB's Group Photo Pool on Flickr.

German Shepherd career change dog, Kenzie.
German Shepherd career change dog, Kenzie. Submitted by Maureen Picarella who writes: "Kenzie was born in November of 1994. Our family adopted her approximately 2 years later. At the ripe old age of 15, Kenzie has been part of our family of four for more than 13 years of her life. She has outlived her yellow Lab buddy, Bailey, and accepted and learned to live with four new cats over the years. Her newest Lab buddy, Rocky, keeps her young. She has raised 2 boys from adolescence to adulthood, and still loves sleeping with them to this day. While most of her days are spent sleeping in a sunny spot of the house and waiting for her next meal, Kenzie still adores the neighborhood walks with my husband and I (although, a bit shorter now, due to her restricted mobility). As to be expected of a large dog her age, Kenzie has had some health challenges… we marvel at her resilience and count every day she is with us as a blessing."

Yellow Lab puppy Cabo visiting with a tour group at GDB's California campus.
Yellow Lab puppy Cabo visiting with a tour group at GDB's California campus. Submitted by Pat Salzarulo.

German Shepherd guide Michener
German Shepherd guide Michener, caught sleeping on the job. Michener is the guide of Dudley Hanks, who writes: "Most people think that the life of a guide dog is all work and no play, with little or no time for rest. While they do work hard, guides also have a lot of down time, as they laze around while their handler is busy with other things. Thus, one of the things guides have to be good at doing is, er, nothing. Here is a shot of Mich sleeping on the job. I was busy having coffee. He took the opportunity to catch a few Z's, and I couldn't resist snapping a shot of him lying there so peacefully."


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