F Litter Update: Flute Sends Regards

We've been following a litter of pups - affectionately called the "F Litter" - from the time they were born. Flute is now a working guide in Arizona; she sent this update to her mom, retired breeder dog Christine.

Mom!! nobody told me how fun life in Arizona's White Mountains would be!!

Black Lab guide Flute
My new companion takes me everywhere with her - even on the boat fishing for trout! It has been an adventure every day. We have a vegetable garden, as well as two flower gardens. We love to sit under the grape arbor in the afternoon. The apple tree bloomed this year, and the blossoms smelled wonderful! (That's a picture of me, amid all the apple tree blossoms!)

It has been raining some lately. I love the rain, but the thunder and lightening make me a bit worried about my human partner.

Everywhere I go, I attract people. For many, I am the first Guide Dog they have seen. I try to be a good ambassador for us all. We have visited every first grade classroom in town, and we have even been requested at schools in other towns nearby. I feel like a real celebrity! My partner and her family are VERY proud of me!

It was so good to hear about all my brothers and sisters of the F litter. I am so happy that everyone has found a home and a job!

Take care! I love you all!!



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