Many backyard fruit trees are dropping their bounty. Remember to keep your pet away from fallen fruit and nuts. A quick yard check before letting your dog loose and close supervision can save tummy troubles later.
Compost piles are bulking up with the byproducts of the summer garden. What is good for the soil can be especially dangerous or toxic to pets. Compost piles should always be kept securely fenced off with no access from your pets.
Halloween brings owls of goodies, scary costumes and a stream of excited trick-or -treaters to your door! Young and more cautious pets would do well to skip the evening’s frightful festivities all together. A better option would be resting comfortably, crated in a bedroom away from the temptation and the confusing array of costumes. Older, more confident pets can be secured on tie down a safe distance away from the door where they can watch the stream of visitors without worry of open doors, over-zealous greetings, dropped treats and scary visitors.
Thinking of taking your older pet trick or treating with you? Many pets take wearing costumes in stride but others are more sensitive to new "gear." Give them time to adapt or keep your costume choice simple. While making the rounds keep a close eye that your pet is not becoming overwhelmed by the decorations and costumes designed to spook! Remember a steady stream of ghouls can be tiring for even the most confident pet! For those softer pets, pick a less hectic time to introduce them to odd noises, costumed folks and running, candy filled children!
With a bit of planning you and your pet can enjoy the sights and the sounds of the season.
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