In March of 2010, I got Medford. He’s three-quarters Golden and one-quarter Lab. He is my seventh puppy, but the first I’ve raised alone. When I got Medford, I was still living in the college dorms. My parents were great and agreed to watch him for a whole month until school was out. My Fresno puppy club leader, Mary Harris, was also offered to watch him for a week. With their help, Medford learned to behave well enough to start the fall semester with me in August.
It is not easy raising a Guide Dog puppy while in college. I have to balance schoolwork, working with Medford, and spending time with friends. I have been blessed so far -- all my teachers and the students at Fresno State have been very supportive of what I am doing. Medford and I have become very well known around campus. He has been nicknamed “Bear” because he sort of looks like a bear cub. He does great in class, as he goes right to sleep and doesn’t get up until he is told.
I keep a blog called “Life with a Guide Dog in Training in College” that talks about my adventure of raising a Guide Dog puppy while going to college. In my blog I talk about the ups and downs Medford and I face together. Medford is 15 months old now and could be recalled for formal training by GDB at any time.

Luckily, I just received my new puppy, Polaris, who will join me next school year. He’s seven-eighths Golden and one eighth Lab. For now, Polaris is staying with my parents. I will document my adventures with him on my blog, as well. I’d like to thank my parents, my Fresno and Bakersfield group, Mary Harris, Margaret Baker, and Guide Dogs for the Blind for helping me and allowing me to raise a puppy while in college.
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