This year our Christmas was slated to be quiet with two family members away. Ah, but the quiet idea didn’t last for long. Our holiday plans soon took on a brightness and glow when we received a call from Rebecca Hornick, foster care coordinator at GDB. An active guide, Pluto, needed a place to stay over the Christmas weekend; Rebecca asked if we’d be interested. Pluto had been our foster care guest twice before while our active breeder Suzanne was at GDB caring for her special “K” litter—Kyle, Keith, Kearney, Kellogg, Kristin, and Katrina born October 8, 2011. This time was a little different as Suzanne is now home, so it would mean a four-dog Christmas guest list, and, of course, we said yes. This year there was room for one more. Rebecca makes each foster care assignment sound so appealing--who can say no. Pluto’s human partner would be away for a few days, so it was a good match.
Pluto arrived and there was excitement in the air. Suzanne loved her new guest. It must be that likes attract. The Lab pair is similar in color, one bigger, one petite. Over the weekend we walked two by two, the two Labs, then the two Goldens. Suzanne's and Pluto’s gait was in sync and Suzanne was a flirt; this took some dog managing from our “foster care” tool bag of tie downs, crates, and treats, but all and all it was a wonderful holiday weekend, and never dull! What’s amazing to me is how the training of each dog from GDB allows a group of four dogs to meet, greet, and get along and spend a weekend together, and there’s nothing quite like having a Guide Dog in our midst. They are so special.

That night all became peaceful, with our Christmas tree lights on, the house warm and cozy, and the dogs tired after a busy day. I had to smile as I set up their doggie beds and each one took their place. “It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” Santa would be coming soon, and I’m sure the dogs would sleep through his trip down the chimney. Good night Ryka, Good night Suzanne, Good night Nessa, and Good night Pluto. All is well.

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