executive director of the Louisiana State Governor’s Office of Disability Affairs.
Father Pat Mascarella’s Guide Dog, Pace, was named Service Animal of the Year by the Louisiana State Governor’s Office of Disability Affairs. The event was covered on WBRZ-TV, and The Catholic Commentator (page 3)
Puppy Zaffino honors his namesake on TV
Student Teacher Senses When Children Need Help
Riding That K9 Buddy Train -- GDB volunteers spent their New Year's weekend bringing a wagging bundle of love to a young boy who is rapidly losing his vision. The story crossed several states and was picked up by many news outlets: CNN, KTVU in the SF Bay Area (FOX), DFW in Texas (CBS),WFAA (ABC), WFMY,KXTV(ABC) in Sacramento,KCAL(CBS)Orange County, WISH TV in Indianapolis and in San Diego.
Getting a New Guide Dog: Thomas Hicks
GDB Alumnus George Blackstock helps others
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