Look who made the cover! Raiser Hannah Nederhoff extolls the joys of raising Fred in Allen Image (article begins on page 50)
GDB's Director of Research and Development was interviewed about GDB's positive training techniques for a New Yorker Magazine article: Beware of the Dogs: Can New York’s canine units keep the city safe from terrorism? ($5.99 required for non-subscriber access to full article/issue)
GDB Breaks ground for a new student residence on the California campus!
Saying Goodbye, Joyus Hello! Graduation at Guide Dogs for the Blind, Oregon campus
Guide Dog Puppy Raised by Family in Gaston, Oregon, Graduates
Training Puppies in Modesto, CA
Polar Vision -- A new record in support of GDB
K9 Buddy Makes the news again!
Young raisers in Chico, California, inspire others
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