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» GDB's Oregon Campus Hosts Alaska Airlines
GDB's Oregon Campus Hosts Alaska Airlines
Recently 15 Alaska Airlines employees based in the airline's Portland office visited GDB's Oregon campus in Boring for an afternoon of team building and education. Director of Development Chris Jones spoke to them about the journey a Guide Dog takes through its life and the community it takes to create a Guide Dog partnership: from the breeder and puppy raising volunteers, to the staff instructors and campus volunteers, to the people who are blind that get matched with Guide Dogs. Alaska Airlines employees were then shown how different types of blindness affect a person’s vision with the use of special glasses. One highlight of the day was when our guests had the opportunity to take walks with Guide Dogs while under blindfold. They were accompanied by instructors and led around the campus in order to get a feel for the trust that needs to develop between handler and dog to make a successful working relationship. “This is the ultimate example of teamwork,” said Regional Development Officer Debbie Hibbard, who helped facilitate the airline's visit.
Alaska Airlines continues to demonstrate exceptional customer service when flying GDB staff members and dogs. We would like to extend a special thank you to them for visiting our campus and continuing to be a tremendous supporter of GDB!
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