Celebrating a Leader

Pat Whitehead and her puppy club members in the City Council chambers
At the Manhattan Beach, Calif., city council meeting last week, Mayor Mitch Ward proclaimed Pat Whitehead, Los Angeles Southwest Guide Dog Raisers Leader, his Person of the Month for the month of May. Pat was honored for her more than 40 years as a community service volunteer with special focus given to her work for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Pat's puppy raising group was there to provide support and were included in the photo with members of Manhattan Beach City Council (naturally, the council members specifically asked that the puppies be a part of the photo!). Of course, all in attendance were wowed by the excellent behavior of the canine participants during the meeting, including 4 month-old Khaki, the youngest puppy in the group.

The plaque presented to Pat reads:
The City Council of the City of Manhattan Beach does hereby proudly recognize Pat Whitehead for her distinguished service to the community and designate her as the Person of the Month. Dated this 4th day of May, 2010. Signed, Mayor Mitch Ward.

Kudos Pat!

Pat and members of her puppy raising group

Photos by Scott Whitehead


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