Sniffing Out Some Fun in Portland

Sniff, The Movie banner
Looks like the movies have gone to the dogs! At least that was the case a few weeks back when our friends at the Hotel Monaco in Portland co-hosted the Oregon premiere of "Sniff, The Dog Movie" to benefit GDB.

The lobby of the Hotel Monaco during the film screening
More than 100 GDB fans took over the hotel lobby for the showing, and four-footed friends were welcome to join in the fun as well. Guide Dogs is featured prominently in the film, as well as other working dogs. It was a fun night - along with popcorn, movie candy, Thomas Kemper sodas, local Oregon micro-brews and wines, local vendors donated a special cake for dogs only! Local musician Geoff Metts of the Portland-based band "Western Aerial" featured in the film provided some wonderful acoustic entertainment, and director Barry Stone was on hand to answer questions and sign copies of the DVD.

Guide Dogs for the Blind is grateful to our friends at Hotel Monaco who have demonstrated over and over again that while dog might be man’s best friend, the big hearted dog-lovers at the hotel are a close second!


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